ASX Daily Insider Director Buy and Sell (06-06-2024)


Ticker Company No. of transacts today No. of buys TTM No. of sells TTM Market cap ($m) Date Price ($)
360 Life360 Inc 9 0 1 $3,067 06-06-2024 $14.690
AFW Applyflow Limited 2 0 0 $2 06-06-2024 $0.016
APE Eagers Automotive Limited 1 11 0 $2,626 06-06-2024 $10.120
AUN Aurumin Limited 1 6 0 $18 06-06-2024 $0.038
BLD Boral Limited 1 3 0 $6,323 06-06-2024 $5.820
CDA Codan Limited 1 5 0 $1,973 06-06-2024 $10.760
IG6 International Graphite Limited 1 14 0 $19 06-06-2024 $0.105
IRX InhaleRx Limited 1 0 0 $6 06-06-2024 $0.030
LSF L1 Long Short Fund Limited 2 50 0 $2,004 06-06-2024 $3.190
OML Oohmedia Limited 1 3 0 $768 06-06-2024 $1.418
RNT Limited 1 13 0 $13 06-06-2024 $0.021
SLR Silver Lake Resources Limited 1 0 0 $1,492 06-06-2024 $1.525
TYP Tryptamine Therapeutics Limited 1 5 0 $23 06-06-2024 $0.022

360 – Life360 Inc

No. of transacts today No. of buys TTM No. of sells TTM Market cap ($m) Date of announcement Price at announcement ($)
9 0 1 $3,067 06-06-2024 $14.690
Start date End date Previous quarters Type No. of sells Total shares Total value ($) Average price ($)
08-03-2024 05-06-2024 Quarter 1 Sell 0 0 $0 $0.000
09-12-2023 07-03-2024 Quarter 2 Sell 0 0 $0 $0.000
10-09-2023 08-12-2023 Quarter 3 Sell 1 810,000 $5,994,000 $7.400
07-06-2023 09-09-2023 Quarter 4 Sell 0 0 $0 $0.000

APE – Eagers Automotive Limited

No. of transacts today No. of buys TTM No. of sells TTM Market cap ($m) Date of announcement Price at announcement ($)
1 11 0 $2,626 06-06-2024 $10.120
Start date End date Previous quarters Type No. of buys Total shares Total value ($) Average price ($)
08-03-2024 05-06-2024 Quarter 1 Buy 7 466,000 $4,924,288 $10.567
09-12-2023 07-03-2024 Quarter 2 Buy 1 18,034 $247,787 $13.740
09-12-2023 07-03-2024 Quarter 2 Exercise 1 18,034 $247,787 $13.740
09-12-2023 07-03-2024 Quarter 2 Issued 1 1,783,727 $25,000,004 $14.016
10-09-2023 08-12-2023 Quarter 3 Buy 0 0 $0 $0.000
07-06-2023 09-09-2023 Quarter 4 Buy 2 20,000 $249,900 $12.495

AUN – Aurumin Limited

No. of transacts today No. of buys TTM No. of sells TTM Market cap ($m) Date of announcement Price at announcement ($)
1 6 0 $18 06-06-2024 $0.038
Start date End date Previous quarters Type No. of buys Total shares Total value ($) Average price ($)
08-03-2024 05-06-2024 Quarter 1 Buy 0 0 $0 $0.000
08-03-2024 05-06-2024 Quarter 1 Issued 2 9,375,000 $300,000 $0.032
09-12-2023 07-03-2024 Quarter 2 Buy 0 0 $0 $0.000
09-12-2023 07-03-2024 Quarter 2 Issued 4 26,312,500 $444,179 $0.017
10-09-2023 08-12-2023 Quarter 3 Buy 0 0 $0 $0.000
07-06-2023 09-09-2023 Quarter 4 Buy 0 0 $0 $0.000

BLD – Boral Limited

No. of transacts today No. of buys TTM No. of sells TTM Market cap ($m) Date of announcement Price at announcement ($)
1 3 0 $6,323 06-06-2024 $5.820
Start date End date Previous quarters Type No. of buys Total shares Total value ($) Average price ($)
08-03-2024 05-06-2024 Quarter 1 Buy 0 0 $0 $0.000
09-12-2023 07-03-2024 Quarter 2 Buy 0 0 $0 $0.000
09-12-2023 07-03-2024 Quarter 2 Issued 1 376,667 $1,500,000 $3.982
10-09-2023 08-12-2023 Quarter 3 Buy 0 0 $0 $0.000
10-09-2023 08-12-2023 Quarter 3 Issued 1 188,915 $752,316 $3.982
07-06-2023 09-09-2023 Quarter 4 Buy 1 10,000 $50,700 $5.070

CDA – Codan Limited

No. of transacts today No. of buys TTM No. of sells TTM Market cap ($m) Date of announcement Price at announcement ($)
1 5 0 $1,973 06-06-2024 $10.760
Start date End date Previous quarters Type No. of buys Total shares Total value ($) Average price ($)
08-03-2024 05-06-2024 Quarter 1 Buy 2 4,500 $47,910 $10.647
09-12-2023 07-03-2024 Quarter 2 Buy 0 0 $0 $0.000
10-09-2023 08-12-2023 Quarter 3 Buy 0 0 $0 $0.000
07-06-2023 09-09-2023 Quarter 4 Buy 3 14,000 $107,375 $7.670

IG6 – International Graphite Limited

No. of transacts today No. of buys TTM No. of sells TTM Market cap ($m) Date of announcement Price at announcement ($)
1 14 0 $19 06-06-2024 $0.105
Start date End date Previous quarters Type No. of buys Total shares Total value ($) Average price ($)
08-03-2024 05-06-2024 Quarter 1 Buy 0 0 $0 $0.000
09-12-2023 07-03-2024 Quarter 2 Buy 5 21,110 $3,475 $0.165
10-09-2023 08-12-2023 Quarter 3 Buy 9 68,037 $11,229 $0.165
07-06-2023 09-09-2023 Quarter 4 Buy 0 0 $0 $0.000

LSF – L1 Long Short Fund Limited

No. of transacts today No. of buys TTM No. of sells TTM Market cap ($m) Date of announcement Price at announcement ($)
2 50 0 $2,004 06-06-2024 $3.190
Start date End date Previous quarters Type No. of buys Total shares Total value ($) Average price ($)
08-03-2024 05-06-2024 Quarter 1 Buy 50 839,975 $2,526,270 $3.008
09-12-2023 07-03-2024 Quarter 2 Buy 0 0 $0 $0.000
10-09-2023 08-12-2023 Quarter 3 Buy 0 0 $0 $0.000
07-06-2023 09-09-2023 Quarter 4 Buy 0 0 $0 $0.000

OML – Oohmedia Limited

No. of transacts today No. of buys TTM No. of sells TTM Market cap ($m) Date of announcement Price at announcement ($)
1 3 0 $768 06-06-2024 $1.418
Start date End date Previous quarters Type No. of buys Total shares Total value ($) Average price ($)
08-03-2024 05-06-2024 Quarter 1 Buy 0 0 $0 $0.000
08-03-2024 05-06-2024 Quarter 1 Issued 1 53,625 $95,989 $1.790
09-12-2023 07-03-2024 Quarter 2 Buy 1 23,200 $39,208 $1.690
10-09-2023 08-12-2023 Quarter 3 Buy 1 20,000 $29,000 $1.450
07-06-2023 09-09-2023 Quarter 4 Buy 0 0 $0 $0.000

RNT – Limited

No. of transacts today No. of buys TTM No. of sells TTM Market cap ($m) Date of announcement Price at announcement ($)
1 13 0 $13 06-06-2024 $0.021
Start date End date Previous quarters Type No. of buys Total shares Total value ($) Average price ($)
08-03-2024 05-06-2024 Quarter 1 Buy 3 1,078,394 $45,960 $0.043
09-12-2023 07-03-2024 Quarter 2 Buy 0 0 $0 $0.000
09-12-2023 07-03-2024 Quarter 2 Issued 7 28,571,407 $485,714 $0.017
10-09-2023 08-12-2023 Quarter 3 Buy 0 0 $0 $0.000
07-06-2023 09-09-2023 Quarter 4 Buy 3 1,000,000 $20,851 $0.021

TYP – Tryptamine Therapeutics Limited

No. of transacts today No. of buys TTM No. of sells TTM Market cap ($m) Date of announcement Price at announcement ($)
1 5 0 $23 06-06-2024 $0.022
Start date End date Previous quarters Type No. of buys Total shares Total value ($) Average price ($)
08-03-2024 05-06-2024 Quarter 1 Buy 3 3,500,000 $87,000 $0.025
08-03-2024 05-06-2024 Quarter 1 Issued 2 2,500,000 $50,000 $0.020
09-12-2023 07-03-2024 Quarter 2 Buy 0 0 $0 $0.000
10-09-2023 08-12-2023 Quarter 3 Buy 0 0 $0 $0.000
07-06-2023 09-09-2023 Quarter 4 Buy 0 0 $0 $0.000
ASX Daily Insider Director Buy and Sell (06-06-2024)
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